
Hello 2017!

Hello 2017! Yes!  It's HERE!  2017 has arrived.  whether I like it or not, the new year has come.  SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED SINCE MY LAST POST! Thanksgiving Day 2016, was the most beautiful, lovely, magical day you could ever imagine.  Full of happiness, Family and joy.  THEN..the magic ended.  The evening of November 24, 2016..My dear wonderful loving brother, Paul Randal Stay, ended his mortal journey, after spending the day with those he loved, his wonderful mother, his children, and of course his baby sister me, yours truly.   I had my birthday.  I survived.  I have gained weight.  I'm dealing with it.  My body is protesting.  It aches from here to kingdom come!  I guess I need to take the little dog for that walk.  Snow and Cold weather or not!  (sigh.)  HEAVY SIGH!   

One more thing..

She's BACK!!!!

YES! THAT'S RIGHT! You heard correctly! SOMEONE , is BACK .. and, SHE is BACK with a VENGEANCE, (well, maybe not THAT bad,) and With ATTITUDE, and Complete and utter, MAYHEM! (Well, that part is probably true..) Because unfortunately, Someone, is about to turn (ahem), 5 with a zero behind it. so..You know.. ANYWHOO, I've decided that I need to try my hand at this "Blogging" Thing again, even though I'm not very good at all at it. But you know, Live and learn, right?! So, Fasten Your Seat Belts, because It's going to be a little bit of a rough ride..Be Patient, and kind. and as I learned this morning, as I was watching a news blip..(Or it could have been last night..) My Memory is not what it was, the last time I posted on this blog.. #MakeAmericaKindAgain. Which Brings me to my last thought. Yes, We DO have a NEW President Elect. NO! I DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM! BUT, Like it or not, I DO Support Him, Because, He IS Our President Elect, AND

I've neglected my blog's

I have neglected all of my blogs. I guess it's because I really am not that good at it. Oh well. My goal is to learn how to blog this year, so I can clean these puppies up and make some sense out of them!


Milk, It does a body good. At least that's what the add tells us. Paul and Diane stopped by and just happened to have cookies. so I was drinking some milk, set it down on the counter, then picked up my glass and headed to my "office" I went to have a nice swig..and noticed that my milk from dinner, was still half full. Now I have two glasses each that combines a full serving of dairy products. Needless to say, I dumped the one from dinner. It's a bit stormy outside. (oops off subject.) Anyway, Milk. it does do a body good. when you stay on task and finish one glass before pouring another. Kathy is babbling again.....

Extrahepatic Manifestations.

So, My surgically scoped knee, gave out a few weeks back. I watched the knee cap shift. Could not put weight on it or even straighten it. After about an hour of excruciating pain. It popped back in. Fast forward a few days. It is still painful, especially when I'm using stairs, bending straigtening etc..I FINALLY got to the doctor yesterday. Because of the previous surgical procedure, and also my less than admirable health issues, It (my meniscus) is quite possibly torn. So here I sit, with it propped up, in a brace, now I need to figure out how in the heck I will pay for Physical Therapy to rehab it, so that I might not have to have additional surgery. No Insurance. No Money....hmmmmm.... On a lighter note, I slept amazingly well last night. [it's the beauty of pain killers] So everyone, keep the fingers crossed, that I can through maybe ONE visit to the PT, I can rehab it myself. Figures it would happen right when I need to start exercising and dieting. I'll j

Tuesday Afternoon.....

Ok, so I'm thinking Moody Blues lyrics. It is actually almost Wednesday morning. I'm feeling not to shabby the last few days. I think I'm getting more sleep. Erin will be home in 9 days! Diane has the exact breakdown on the time I'm sure. I am excited to see her. The dog...(I love my Ginger Spice..) has been lying next to me on the floor peacefully sleeping for the last 2 hours. I'm sure she'll wake up, the minute I try to go to bed. My cousin Heidi continues to make progress. I know it's that fighting Stay spirit and attitude that have got to be a motive. Well, it's a short and sweet blog, but I really am tired. 3 more work days until the weekend! I really need to figure out how to transfer photos to my laptop. This is too boring without them.